Saturday 20 August 2011

ONESHOT 07 : My Girl

Written By : RedBuggy
Requester: Patricia Hernandez
- Hae Won (OC)
- Jung Yunho
- Choi Seunghyun
The streetlamp flickered weakly in the dark empty street, intensity clung in the atmosphere as five guys emerged one by one and encircled a guy who was down on the cold pavement.
Yunho wiped his bleeding lips with the back of his hand, annoyed that the punch had caught him unaware. He looked down as he slowly stood up on his feet. Glancing around without trying to look up, he counted. It’s one against five. Easy peasy, he smirked.
“Pl-please let me go,” Yunho pretended to stifle a sob. The leader, from the looks of it, stepped closer to Yunho.
“Lookie what we have here guys. Not only a weakling but a cry baby as well” he laughed and his companions followed.
That was luck on your behalf, Yunho’s eye twitched. He looked up to meet the guy’s eyes, his facade still on. The guy in front of him was a few inches shorter that he had to look up almost 90゚to Yunho, his henchmen were no different either.
Yunho tried to hold in his laughter, mentally snickering at the pathetic situation.
They close in on him, still laughing. The leader reached up and patted his cheeks as Yunho feigned fear in his eyes.
Let’s end all this boring drama, shall we? Yunho smirked at him, fists clenched swung high up, ready to connect it to his jaw when suddenly he flew to the side. His henchmen clustered around their leader. Surprised, Yunho turned to see who had ruined his fun. What the...

ONESHOT 06 : Stay With Me

Written by : RedBuggy
Requester: Thanh
Jang Wooyoung(2PM)
2PM (minor characters)
The red Porsche speed silently through the empty neighbourhood. Thanh recalled what happened just now and hit the steering angrily. She caught her father with another woman again for the umpteenth time. Thanh despised her father very much because his unfaithfulness had caused her mother's death. Even so, that bastard had no remorse and continued bringing more women home.
"That bastard son of a bitch" she muttered under her breathe. As she continued cursing the man that she refused to call father, Thanh didn't notice an old lady was crossing the road. 

She slammed the brakes and lost control of her car. As the car crashed into something, her body hurled forward but restrained by the safety belt. Trembling, she raised her head, praying wholeheartedly that she didn't ran into the old lady but what she saw drained all the colours on her face.